Congratulations, you're in! - Du bist Dabei!
What happens next?
Click here to join the Telegram group chat
It will be open from May 13 – June 30. You can ask questions or talk with the other participants. Use this opportunity to communicate with others in German.
All the materials and tasks will be posted here and in the Telegram group.
I’ll contact every participant individually. You’ll get the link to your Google Doc for the writing tasks and you’ll send me your speaking task as a private voice message.
I hope you will enjoy the program!
The short stories of week 1 and week 4 are longer than the ones in the middle. Normally, we still have a lot of energy and motivation at the beginning of a program and once again towards the end. That’s why I opted for this order.
Woche 1: Ein ganz normaler Arbeitstag
A short story about a work day where everything goes wrong.
Montag: PDF Short Story | Audio Short Story
Dienstag: PDF Infinitiv mit zu / um … zu | Audio Lesson
Mittwoch: PDF Trennbare Verben I | Audio Lesson
Donnerstag: PDF Trennbare Verben II | Audio Lesson
Freitag: PDF bitten um | Audio Lesson
Woche 2: Oma geht online
What happens when Grandma decides that she needs a computer and internet access?
Woche 3: Der Neue Job
Silvia has a new job but her boss is pretty weird.
Woche 4: Amelie und der Jäger
A young woman from the 19th century is looking for adventures.
Thank you for offering this fabulous program! You are an awesome teacher that inspires learning! I’ve read all of your books, and highly recommend them to German language learners!
Vielen Dank, Karen. Ich freue mich sehr, dass du bei diesem Programm dabei bist.