Short Stories

If a title is not clickable, it means that the content is not available yet since I’m still in the process of uploading everything,  preparing the downloadable PDFs and creating a worksheet for each story. Please allow me some time for this but you will find at least one new or old story each week. Even if you’ve read the story in the past, the worksheet and the additional info may be new for you, so just have a look. 

If you would like to read summaries of the short stories, click on the level title (Beginners A1, Advanced Beginners A2, Low Intermediate B1, Intermediate B2), please. 

You will find a brand-new short story that I never published anywhere before every 1-2 weeks. 

Latest Short Stories:

Ein ganz normaler Arbeitstag (October 7, 2023)

And please remember that your membership includes that you can use the comments under each story to ask any kind of questions about grammar or vocabulary used in the stories that you don’t understand. I will always answer as soon as possible. Don’t be shy, other may have the same doubts and can benefit from your questions and the answers you will receive. 

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